About Us


Christina is a Senior Physical Therapist and Women’s Health Specialist for Sports and Ortho Physical Therapy in Glenview IL, Founder and President of Pelvic Solutions, LLC in Park Ridge, IL.
She received her Degree in Physical Therapy from Rosalind Franklin University in 1990.
Christina is a Fellow of Applied Functional Science, certified in Functional Manual Reaction (FMR) as a graduate from the Gray Institute. Christina specializes in the evaluation and treatment of the female client including pregnancy, incontinence, pelvic floor dysfunction and orthopedics/sports related injuries. Christina developed the Female Chain Reaction Course for the Gray Institute, and is the Inventor of the Pelvicore Pro and Pelvicore Pro Training methods. Christina also continues to lecture internationally for the Gray Institute, American Physical Therapy Association, IDEA Health & Fitness Association and SCW Fitness.

About Pelvic Solutions, LLC


Pelvic Solutions is a company that provides FUNctional education and the new biomechanically designed fitness product...the PELVICORE. 
The Pelvicore is designed to improve CORE STRENGTH, PELVIC FLOOR STRENGTH and PELVIC GIRDLE MOBILITY.  By improving the biomechanics throughout the PELVIC GIRDLE AND CORE, you will see a decrease in symptoms associated with incontinence. 
We are in the process of conducting research to also see the impact of strengthening the PELVIC CORE AND HOW IT WILL effect other biomechanical problems.  So far, we have seen positive results in the following dysfunctions:  Low Back Pain, Hip Pain, Knee Pain, Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction, Balance Deficits.

Contact us at:

(224) 580-2928
Pelvic Solutions LLC
PO Box 694
Park Ridge, IL 60068